• 日本語
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  • 한국


Overview of application process for foreign students in October 2013

①Work in teams with representatives of three countries
Conducting research with students of other countries, you improve yourself through friendly competition while learning the significance of tackling problems in a cooperative, international atmosphere.

②Improve your ability to identify tasks through overseas training
The multinational teams conduct research in each of the countries, where you use your powers of observation to understand mutual environmental problems, in the process improving your ability to identify tasks requiring environmental technology

③Long-term internships improve your problem-solving abilities
Through a long-term internship in Japan with a company or other organization, you will gain practical problem-solving abilities.

④ Gain specialized knowledge in environmental engineering and boost your communication skills
Besides improving your communication skills and specialized knowledge as an eco-engineer, you'll learn to think beyond science and engineering and get the big picture that includes viewpoints from areas such as social science and medicine.

  • 全学体制で国際化に取り組んでいます
  • 金沢の紹介
